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  • Writer's pictureHiral Patel

A New Mobile Nail Salon Making Its way In the Beauty industry

The new nontoxic and organic nail salon is now driving to their clients in the New York and New Jersey area

Chica Glamour Mobile Nail Salon logo Photo: Taken by Chica Glamour Facebook page

The pandemic has caused a mass burden to everyone in the world, the rapid rise of deaths and cases are slowly rising again as businesses start to open up. Companies who are now struggling to keep their business alive are looking for any help they can get, specifically the small businesses.

A business owner and Founder of a mobile nail salon, Jody Nelson said how difficult it can be for small businesses to grow their clienteles. Nelson, 35, is a Jamaican-born native who always had a passion for creativity in art.

"I found a passion for it [nails] because I like drawing nail art," said Nelson. She attended school to get her licensing in becoming a nail tech, which she then was hired to work part-time in New York City. However, all that changed when she realized her true potential and purpose in the industry.

Nelson said, "I felt like I could be doing more. The environment at the place I worked was too intense, I knew I wanted to change the industry." Her passion for nails grew into something bigger when she got a full-time job offer to work for an organic nail salon.

The new job helped her to open up her own nail business that serves a purpose in promoting more organic, natural and nontoxic nails. "I started my mobile nail salon, it took me awhile to get to that point but that was my vision, to start Chica Glamour," said Nelson.

Founder of Chica Glamour, Jody Nelson sharing a selfie Photo: Jody Nelson

Nail salons today use many chemicals in their products that make the nails more weaker than they already are, Nelson now paints her clients nails with healthier and nontoxic products. The products at Chica Glamour are allergy free and made from all natural plant based ingredients.

As the small business manages to operate during Covid, Nelson dreams about her nail business becoming big and expanding to other states. She refers the business as unique and different.

"Chica Glamour is a very modern salon. We stand for equality, no matter what race, age, or gender you are," Nelson said. As a black woman, Nelson represents diversity and empowerment within her business. The nails she paints on her clients, aren't just colors, they stand for unity and express the personality of the client.

Nelson sees her clients more than just customers. "Every client is very unique to us, and we treat each client as an individual," Nelson said. She believes in her work and how her business can help empower people in different ways.

The pandemic took a harsh turn on her business, leaving her with few clients a week. However, her passion and motivation does not stop her from dreaming big and continuing to keep her nail business alive.

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