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  • Writer's pictureHiral Patel

Mental Health Emerges During Global Pandemic

COVID-19 has spread all across the world, killing millions with rising numbers in cases. The economy declined, and now with states re-opening back up, it seems that many states in the U.S. are seeing a second wave of the virus. However, this also initiates how much Mental Health has been emerging during this period.

The pandemic took a huge factor on everyone's mental health and still continues to affect those [individuals] that suffer already. "With over five million cases of COVID-19 worldwide, the threats on health were eminent," said 21-year-old Joshua Tirado.

Tirado emphasized on how it is not only the physical aspect of our health that is impacted, but also the mental and emotional health. While mental health increases, the media has not done a deep thorough job in reporting how much this issue has caused someone to live their day-to-day life.

22-year-old Jennifer Panella stated, "It is defiantly important to talk about, especially with the media. It highlights the raw human side of us, there is nothing wrong humanizing it." Panella also explained how we [people] were not prioritized in mental health, not until the pandemic and isolating ourselves from the outside world.

Although the media needs to shine more light on understanding how mental health affects someone emotionally, socially, and physically, 23-year-old Katherine Braunstein says different about the media's coverage on mental health.

"We [the media] actually do cover it more than people think, and there is plenty of places to check that out," said Braunstein. Braunstein also struggles with anxiety and depression and says going outside for a walk or calling people and reaching out to others can really help.

The media has downfalls on covering on mental health, but it is time to highlight the struggles and how individuals are impacted. All the many stories on how these individuals are surviving the pandemic while struggling mental health, it is the definite time to get in their mind and dissect what they go through during this hard period.

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