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  • Writer's pictureHiral Patel

Say "YES" To College Tuition

College is important, it is required to carry a degree in almost every job today, whether it is to become an architect or nurse. However, the real issue is not people receiving their degree or going to college, but politicians and activists fighting to make college free for all. Free college would be a disaster, what many forget is the behind the scenes part of free college and its impact that can be very poisonous to every citizen. Although free college may sound great and all, the money has to come from somewhere in order for the institution to run successfully. Free college comes with a lot risks to our society that can put our economy in a problematic stage. This is not the right way to go, and so college that isn’t free will be beneficial to students and the society. 

College should not be free because of how much money the country’s citizens would have to pay. We all should make sure no politician like Bernie Sanders and activists like Zac Bears brainwash students, parents, and other educators in making college free. 

What these people don’t tell their audience is how will the institution run successfully with or without money being used. They fail in explaining the cons of free college and it is biased. CNN business reporter Katie Lobosco said, “Under Sanders' plan, the amount of money a college usually receives for tuition would be covered by the U.S. and state governments. The feds would kick in 67% ($47 billion a year) and states would be on the hook for the rest ($23 billion a year).” This means that even though the state pays for tuition and covers a good chunk of it, the state is in a tough spot when trying to fund for other extra programs to run at the institution. In addition to this, the state has the choice of either cutting funds which can affect the universities and students when it comes to being part of programs and organizations, or raise taxes for all citizens to pay for. Those are the only two options and neither of them sound amusing at all, they both have negative affects. If a law of free college was to pass, the upper class would see the increase in taxes, but it would also increase the taxes for the middle-class as well. Taxes are already high and people are complaining about it everyday, if we have free college it would be even worse. The idea of free college just seems like a “fantasy dream” and not a realistic one, and so it is not the brightest idea to even provoke “free college” from happening. 

College tuition being not free can teach students how to handle finances. Going through difficult situations financially can really help students be more prepared for the real-world when dealing with finances. They will more likely encounter these issues because they have already gone through financial hardships, they will know what to do and be more confident in situations like this in the future or even current situations. According to college raptor, “College is full of learning experiences, one of which is learning how creating a budget to save money. College loans are often the first major financial dealing that people work with.” Since college is supposed to be the place where students are learning and experiencing many things, they will likely get better at it as they keep doing it for the next 4 years. There are students who come from a wealthy family and don’t have to worry about a dime paying for college, however, they still have to deal with money in general after they graduate and get their own place to live and a stable career. When students learn how to manage money and think bigger after graduation, they are starting to realize that they have to save money to make certain goals happen, like getting their own car. 

To continue on explaining the finance issue, learning how to manage finances is hard, especially when a student comes from a low-income family. The problem that low-income families often run into is that they don’t have money to afford their child to go to college. In this case, these families with low-income have to tell their kids to take out loans and pay all of it back after graduation or even each month or so. It is important to keep college with tuition, it teaches great values and importance on how to handle finances that many do not know how to do today in our “money-world” making economy.

Non-Tuition free college can challenge students in higher education. If we have more students going to college, will they be challenged? Moreover, will they more likely get a job? These questions may appear rhetorical, but it is important to ask these questions. Jobs will get harder because everyone is going to college and getting their degree, which can make job hunting more competitive as they overfill. The overpopulation of college students applying for the jobs will negatively impact the job because they will need to build a bigger facility and be extremely picky when students are going for interviews. It is great to think about having more workers in our overpopulated society, but building these facilities will be complicated due to raising people’s taxes and expanding property. 

College is known to be competitive to get into. However, free college will open up the opportunity for all students to get into the school they have always dreamt of. If this makes sense, if 45% of students always dreamt of going to Penn State and have gotten in but could not afford to go there, they would not have to worry about it because college would be free. This may sound like a good idea but the damage occurs when the school gets overcrowded. A study from online universities state that, “overcrowding is a critical issue, considering it affects not only higher education institutions, but the students and educators who work there. Institutions are often burdened with trying to find a way to educate students, often with limited resources and faculty.” The overpopulation of students overflowing can weigh heavy on students, professors, and staff employees.  

Overpopulation of students can make it harder for students to focus in their classes. The university will need to hire more professors, and staff employees that work with the dining service will need to make more food. We would need space so we can expand the university so everyone can fit. All this would cost a lot of money and overcrowd every place on campus if college was free. Non-tuition college would decrease the university from getting overcrowded by students. The “idea” of making college free seems absent. There is no reason for considering this idea to go into the process in the assembly. We have parents already complaining about taxes being high, their taxes are just going to increase with free college. The finances that the students will go through will be harder for them to handle because they won’t be dealing with money when college is tuition-free. Furthermore, the flood of students in universities will grow and the only way to make every student successful is to have enough professors, space, programs, and facilities that will cost money.

We need to forget about what certain politicians have to say, they will always say things that they want to see or what their political beliefs are. There is no acknowledgement on the cons of the pros, and it is important to understand both sides of the views. 

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